敬愛的客戶們您好: 適逢年節到來,本年(111)農曆春節連續假期自01/29迄02/06,此期間暫停營業,特此周知;倘造成不便,敬請見諒。 春節休假期間若有任何問題,請e-mail至我們信箱,待復工之後,我們將儘快回覆您的郵件。 感謝您去年的支持,祝您∼虎年興旺! Dear Customers, Please be informed that our shop online will be closed from 01/29 to 02/06 for the Lunar New Year holiday and normal business will resume on 02/07.Your understanding will be appreciated if our holidays bring any inconveniences.For any sales or order enquiries, please send an e-mail to us and we will response it ASAP once we resume our job. Thank you for your support in the Year of the Ox.We wish you a prosperous Year of the Tiger!