2021年農曆春節假期將自02月10日∼迄02月16日止。 待2/17(初六)郵局和大榮貨運皆恢復正常營業時我們即返工作崗位迅速處理休假期間之網站/Email/傳真訂單,並用最快的速度交付託運給您; ps.年假期間若有任何聯繫事項請暫以e-mail聯絡(請隨附上聯絡電話),本站將於收假之後儘快與您聯繫,謝謝。 祝: ∼ 牛年行大運、闔家幸福! ∼ We will be closed during the Spring Festival(the lunar New Year) from February 10th to February 16th, 2021. Thanks to all of your support over the past year. On February 17, we will be open with normal order handling and delivery. Wish you lots of luck for the Ox year!